Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday Madness - I'm on Entrecard!

So I am not entirely sure what I'm doing, but I now have Entrecard on all my blogs :)
Apparently when people click on the ads, they can see new and exciting blogs that I myself have approved for viewing on my blog. Pretty cool, huh? Then, when people click, I get credits which I can then use to advertise on other people's blogs to gain exposure for myself. Isn't that neat? I encourage you, therefore to click on the 'drop' button and see some new blogs - you never know, you just might make new friends!

1 comment:

Louise said...

Let me know how you make out! I gave up! I couldn't be bothered to go clicking on other's blogs, I did get some click through's but they were only on my site for a second. Maybe you'll figure it out and getting working better!

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This is now a copy of my main blog, Little Studio Photography and Jewellery If you have any questions, please leave a comment and I will gladly try to answer it :)